Domestic Violence in Depth and the DUI Offender
Course # M603  

DUI Approved

3 CEUs

As DUI Evaluators, you might wonder why you would need to know anything about domestic violence.  As you will learn, there is a strong link between substance and domestic violence, but more importantly, the effect on those living with the violence.  We recognize that as evaluators, you only have a limited amount of time to conduct an assessment.  We also recognize that the assessment tool that is utilized does not allow for the gathering of much information related to domestic violence.  However, a fair percentage of your clientele is either a perpetrator or victim, and they might disclose information that could be useful to conducting a thorough assessment and an informed recommendation.

On a more personal note, most of us know someone who is a victim or a perpetrator.  Knowing how to help and be supportive is essential.  Additionally, many women have no idea that they are in a battering relationship because they are not physically abused.  Knowledge of the other types of abuse may enable you to assist in identifying a battering relationship and ending the abuse.


Price $50.00
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